Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Who am I?

That is a rather good question don't you think...
Let's see I'll be 35 soon, I stay will my mum, always have really..
I'm really not one for going out at all.
I don't smoke, I drink on a Friday / Saturday night IF i feel like it and can afford it.
I'm a quiet and shy person, happy to let others shine.
I was bullied at school since I was "bright","different" and yeah one of the smallest to boot.
I'm happy to help others.
I'm being the strong one for my mum and my sisters and everyone else who needs me.
I think I'm loosing my mind..
My day is wake up at around 7, get cup of tea and slice of toast for breakfast, check my e-mail and other stuff on my pc while eating breakfast, drive to work getting the paper on the way, work sometimes challenging sometimes not, drive home again, eat dinner, maybe watch the simpsons, grab a shower, sit at pc rest of the evening, go to bed and try to get to sleep maybe getting to sleep at 1am.
Saturdays I generally sleep a little later till maybe 10, shower, check e-mail (well clear the spam out), take mum to lunch then for the weekly shop, back home on the pc after putting shopping away making a cup of tea sometimes.
Sunday is like Saturday but with the lunch and shopping.
I do sometimes look after the nephew so Shopping is either done later on the Saturday or on the Sunday depends.

It's all I see to have the inclination to do.

Ya think I need to get away from it all?

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Who listens to the listener...

Who listens to those who listen and help others out?
Who helps those who put others before themselves, hearts on sleeves and all that.
The quiet, shy ones, those willing to stay out of the light so others may shine.

I need help, I think I do - I'm not sure..
I was plucking up the courage to ask someone out when well someone else beat me to the punch, the trouble being they are also a friend of mine, and well you don't steal your mates girl do you... I had to tell her though so she knows how I feel..
I see them "together" and it hurts, between that and the cold I have my emotional state is well "off", just a little.

I need to open up more but well I've always been one to lock it away, no-one needs to know my problems they have enough problems of their own don't they..

Just pray for me dear friends, just pray.