Tuesday, January 18, 2005

It was snow joke today

Hmm woke up to just a little bit of snow a few inches but enough for driving to work to become interesting. That is once I cleared the few inches of snow and underlying ice of my car, that was once I could open the thing darn lock froze.
I said to the garage i bought if from that this was happening on saturday, guy who sold it to me, very nice guy btw, told me to try the spare key in the lock.
Hmm tried that this morning, No Joy or rather joy after a while (or i got lucky).
Got into car, started it up, turned on the rear heater and the internal heater (set to full heat, on the windscreen and full blast with the fan..), i then set about clearing the snow off the car using my little windscreen clearer I have
hmm snow deeper than the depth of the clearer (it's a mini window squeegy type thing). hands got cold but i cleared it quick enough only took me 10 minutes to clear it off, clean it off the lights clear it off the sides of the car, the boot, the bonnet (as i didn't want snow to fly up off the bonnet on to the windscreen that is SO annoying). I made it to work just in time to start (well just about I was later in that I normally im but still early - so made my normal cup of tea to warm up and got talking to the boss for 5 minutes, go into the bit i work in and got asked "what time do ya call this" I went ophs erm "10 o'clock :P" turns out my colleague who's meant to start at 7am didn't get in till 8 due to traffic he though the road he took would be clear - it was just not some of the roads / bridges it leads to, basically knock on effect in action - I went my normal route and had no problem apart from having go slower than normal.
Oh what fun, it's mainly gone now but they say it's gonna be -2C overnight (ack! ice anyone - not me thanks)


Anonymous said...

Brrrrr...that is just way too cold for me. I think I should stop complaining. Does it snow much there?

Anonymous said...

Hi Gopher.... stay warm!! :)