Monday, December 19, 2005

The act of giving...

I'd like to thank Sharon for the lovely christmas card she sent me last week, I did meant to say I'd got it but erm forgot with everything else. I'd also like to thank my good friend Katt for her card. I'd also like thank Heather even although I don't have her card just yet. Hmm but it's not the actual act of recieving a card that matters even although both times and one more to come it did put a smile on my face. I mean simple things in life like a card, letter or phone call that can brighten someone's day even if they are the electronic versions of these e-card, e-mail, and voice chat. It doesn't matter the distance, the next street, the next town or 1/4 of the way around the world just remember it might just make someone smile :).
I use Aim, MSN Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger and hang out in Computers Lobby:1 you can find me on any of them if you know who to look for ;)
Merry Christmas all

1 comment:

Melonie said...

Have you run away?