Tuesday, September 26, 2006

... what was that ...

Hmm well I think that was my birthday going whizzing past...
Nice quiet day at the office it wasn't, it was a nice drive around the countryside trying to find places, with "vague" points of reference...
I can conclude that my bosses Motorola Razr is for want of a better word CRAP, he agrees but can't change the phone till decemeber (gotta love contract phones).
On another note, if you've tried e-mailing me on my "newer" address and it's bounced the old one is still active, but both should work - must be my stupid ISP bouncing it as an "unknown" sender to a known address or some such crap I guess it's time to get a domain and set it up.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Come on You Reds........

Well my nephew's under 9's team does play in red :>.
What can I say a solid 3-0 victory over a team who's coach well I've not met him (thank god) but he's a bit of an ass. I was meant to go and cheer him on but read previous post no way, tired slept till about noon (I know some people wish they could sleep till then) and I felt like crap - darn cold. So I went along today to swift kick the pc and other electronic equipment.. I got told the full game :D. Nephew in goal 1st half - saved everything, out in the 2nd half and his replacement in goals did the same. Connor did manage to score a goal even. A few moments of contravercy, the "coach" said something was a free kick on the edge of the box, when everyone else knew it was a penelty which the other stricker took and scored with. Now to let you in on the "asshat" coach's attitude: He didn't like when someone stood behind the goals to encourage the keeper (read give pointers also) so it was all on the sidelines, being "quieter" than normal, ya right as freaking IF, now I mean there are only 7 or 8 in the team so maybe 10 or 11 parents and others there - more noise than normal.. Other coach could say nothing :D Rep from Soccer 7's was there (they kind do the rules for these things). There was 1 nasty incident funnily enough involving nephew, they had gotten a free kick near our goals so all team was back, the "wall" was set up, so they could directly score, a few players far enough away from the wall to maybe score if they got the ball. Now back to the act, an act if carried out in a normal match would have seen the player red carded, the opposition captian elbowed (quite deliberatly from all descriptions) connor, who of course went down, now normally sister would have went over to make sure but because of the asshat, had to stay put. He was fine, the captain was hauled off in disgrace - ha ha and the free kick well they didn't score from it, don't think they got close :D All in all a good game and well it was a case of "total silence" from the asshat he couldn't say a word. What can I say 2nd game on the trot they've won, they won 4-2 last week against another team that had previously beaten them. The Last match is next week and Im gonna have to juggle that with other stuff happening next saturday namely a mate who I've not seen in a while coming up for one last visit before heading off to Norway to work and stay.

G Dawg

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Oh Look it's almost that time again and other things

Is it really a year since I had the last one, no can't be oh darn yes it is. Folks it's almost that time again, that time everyone either hates or loves or both. It's my birthday Soon - okay I know maybe 3 days notice isn't much but lol it's me we're talking about here Mr Disorganised Choas.
I helped drop my oldest sister and the BIL at the airport this morning for their 6:30am flight - they had to be there 3 hrs before hand (darn laws). We had a fun time getting there as well she was driving my dad's car, she's fully allowed to as she's on the insurance for it. One thing I should mention is for some reason I don't know why she hates going across bridges - maybe it's just the "Forth Bridge" she hates i don't know. Well the road to the airport is pretty straight forward - just follow the signs but Oh no dad knows better that's not the turn for the airport there is one further up - no there wasn't so we kinda went the tourist route in. Driving back was far easier, I knew where I was going, ignored my dad basically :P, only reason I was driving dad hates driving at night now, and I am allowed to drive the car IF the main driver isn't feeling well due to fact the way it's paid for it's a "mobility" car so there are rules such as you need to be on the "insurance" for it proper to be able to drive it yourself. We did get home pretty quick thanks to my driving safely at top speed ;)
However someone appears to have given my the cold or the flu or something Im feeling crap :| - bet it's a colleague at work. Speaking of work I got Monday OFF :D since there is a holiday the Following monday and Im working it, the monday after that when I would have had the day off Im covering for someone else on a slightly different shift (4pm to midnight) doing that on the tuesday as well but back to normal wednesday :-S gonna totally screw me up but never mind...

Friday, September 15, 2006

What a Week

Well I've survived the 1st week back at work, new work schedule 8am to 4pm works out nicely actually, gaurenteed days off, if there is a public holiday I will get the next monday off. I have to come and go with it, some overtime is involved like i may have to cover the shift after mine sometimes - 4pm-midnight (but i don't need to come in at 8am that would be a bit MUCH!). I've been playing catch up all week as I expected but it's been fun (or rather not as dull as it was).
Mind you one small niggling ANNOYANCE the office got a small re-arrange - my desk was CLEARED! of all paperwork (it was apprently a mess - I could find everything on it I rarely sat at it as I was always at my other desk :P
It's been tiring all the same.

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Loch and others

Well I thought I share with you a few photos I recently took..

The Minehead, originally uploaded by Gopher.

The Loch, originally uploaded by Gopher.

The Loch 2, originally uploaded by Gopher.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sorry for the previously negative post

Well folks i've just censored my own blog by nuking Monday's post. It's gone never to be seen again..
I'll go grab some coffee maybe even some sun not that I need much of either.

** EDIT **
Junebugg you were right. I took myself for a brisk walk that worked..


Friday, September 01, 2006

Well Im relaxing...

Hey guys, i do feel more relaxed, I do honestly, heck im even looking forward to looking after nephew which I do enjoy but if i've been working I just wanna crash and not be bothered by anyone till like NOON...
I now know this is not good for me, why I hear ya ask well I figured this all out myself Im so proud of myself...
I've been sleeping long hours for me this is like more than say 6hrs and been waking up with a headache like i've been drinking the night before now sometimes I had and put it down to that, it goes away after some tea / coffee with milk n sugar sorry gotta sweet tooth.. So Im trying to keep myself hydrated enough so I don't feel like **** in the morning which I've manage even if I was up till 3-4am and get up at like 10...
I treated myself tonight as well to a movie, of my choice at the cinema, my mate and his girlfriend (she who is obeyed :P) went to go see "You, Me and Duprey" tonight so I thought about it looked up what was showing locally, saw that film looked it up and well went no, not for me tonight, I went to see "Crank" all I will say is it's a totaly andrenalin junkie rush type film in more ways than one..

Oh while Im on the subject you may notice a few new links below the main kids link which has now been fixed so that that clicks are added to my running total, they were counted before so your clicks haven't been wasted :)


G Dawg