Saturday, September 23, 2006

Oh Look it's almost that time again and other things

Is it really a year since I had the last one, no can't be oh darn yes it is. Folks it's almost that time again, that time everyone either hates or loves or both. It's my birthday Soon - okay I know maybe 3 days notice isn't much but lol it's me we're talking about here Mr Disorganised Choas.
I helped drop my oldest sister and the BIL at the airport this morning for their 6:30am flight - they had to be there 3 hrs before hand (darn laws). We had a fun time getting there as well she was driving my dad's car, she's fully allowed to as she's on the insurance for it. One thing I should mention is for some reason I don't know why she hates going across bridges - maybe it's just the "Forth Bridge" she hates i don't know. Well the road to the airport is pretty straight forward - just follow the signs but Oh no dad knows better that's not the turn for the airport there is one further up - no there wasn't so we kinda went the tourist route in. Driving back was far easier, I knew where I was going, ignored my dad basically :P, only reason I was driving dad hates driving at night now, and I am allowed to drive the car IF the main driver isn't feeling well due to fact the way it's paid for it's a "mobility" car so there are rules such as you need to be on the "insurance" for it proper to be able to drive it yourself. We did get home pretty quick thanks to my driving safely at top speed ;)
However someone appears to have given my the cold or the flu or something Im feeling crap :| - bet it's a colleague at work. Speaking of work I got Monday OFF :D since there is a holiday the Following monday and Im working it, the monday after that when I would have had the day off Im covering for someone else on a slightly different shift (4pm to midnight) doing that on the tuesday as well but back to normal wednesday :-S gonna totally screw me up but never mind...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday in advance as my memory's a bit crap at the moment!

Gordon said...

Thanks Jen, at least you've remembered unlike my youngest older sister who appears to possibly have let is slip her mind (well for now)..