Monday, April 27, 2009

When things just don't work anymore

Hmm well last night was the final straw, I couldn't figure out why the my connection was so patchy, slow, sluggish or just STOPPED! You ever tried to connect somewhere and waited a minute or 3 for a page to "Load" and this is just a standard nothing fancy page. I figured it was either the network card in the machine, the cable or the router, I redid the ends on the cable - nothing.
I managed to get drivers for another Network card to load up and run on here and tried that - nothing.
So figured it's either still the cable or it's bleeding router.
It was the bleeding router, I suppose I should have realised I guess it wasn't build for the load I've put through it, well it would speed up after a while but then would just go slow, fast, slow, fast, now replaced and the setup replicated on the new one as much as required.

Pages load instantly or pretty much instant now. I can talk again on the guild ventrillo with out it a pp e a ring to cu tt o u tt etc..
Happy Bunny again...
Will need to test all the ports are forwarded correctly of course.

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