Saturday, July 05, 2003

The Holiday

Well It wasn't exactly a great holiday weather-wise, had a lovely weekend last weekend and a nice last day but other than that it's been wet and dull and generally not "summer", oh hang on i forgot I live in the UK so that was Summer :-P.... lol Lets see don't really remember the journey down (see previous entry as to why)
Monday - It rained so Flamingo land had to wait...
Tuesday Gift shopping, money spending.
Wednesday - Hmm Went to York and agrevated my cold so spent most of thursday snuggled under the duvet... (so no gift shopping could be done), got some gifts earlier but that was that...
Friday got to Flamingo land went on a few things both of which didn't agree with my stomach... hmm can eat raw chilli and seriously strong stuff but no stomache for things like the corkscrew and stuff... :-S I got vertigo just looking at the vertical drop ride "Cliff Hanger"
I kinda also blew it a bit on Tuesday night with the love of my but recovered it enough..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, it's not always good weather that makes a good holiday :) I'm glad you had a good time & most important, a good break from work.
Sorry you & Caz had an argument, of some sort. But sometimes you have to have them, just to air your opinions & the like.
Take care