Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Friendship Day is August 6

Well the title says it all doesn't it...
Why not send your friends who you've not seen in a while a card, okay maybe a bit close to be sending a card but it's the thought.
Another possibility is using an e-card site such as www.angeleyes2.com which is 1 of many.
Now if your feeling generous and wanna say something a bit more special there are websites out there like www.ftd.com and many local florist have websites you can order through, okay so you need some form of bank card that's the only down point.
Okay enough about that from me.


Melonie said...

Happy Friendship day a little early. Also, I am sorry I missed your call thanks for the well wishes.

Laura said...

WE are blessed by your friendship, to be sure ~