Sunday, March 04, 2007

How to Piss me Off!

Well it's kinda easy if you know how but I digress a little perhaps.
As you all know I play "World of Warcraft". Now if you don't play it don't think about taking this game up it's subscription only and can be addictive.
In saying that I normally enjoy it, with the occational "OMFG" (Oh My Freaking God) why did someone just do that etc..
Now all was fine and well with my 2nd char on this realm (Europe - Boulderfist) in with a load of mates (2nd char in the Guild and 2nd time around).
My first char on there was kicked out the guild cos one night I went what can only be described as "Totally EMO!" that's like going POstal but with an Emotional core and i was booted out of guild and the GM Ignored me to boot :| well someone MOFO was pissing me off - member from an Old Guild I was in on another realm they became GM of the guild and well they freaking RUINED the guild, forced everyone into a merge I went I'd rather slit my wrists or similar (yeah I was that passionate about The Guild). That char is long gone - everything sold off and all the gold I made sent to a fellow player and the player deleted - was lvl 59 I think (on the grind to last level at the time 60).
I hopped realms moved a char from one to another and started afresh on Boulerfist with my primary passion an Orc Rogue which was what my 1st ever char was. I then got the expasion and created my 1st new Race char and 1st Priest (Blood Elf Priest) and was happily leveling with a few mates who'd gotten the expansion as well and were bored with their current characters in the guild, they then join up as mate was sick of getting whispers to get on his then main or an alt in the guild to talk about something I rejoined the guild and well all was fine until about oh 2pm (GMT) today when I was kicked from the guild - no warning, no friendly "hey mate - problem here" type whisper just BOOTED :|.. Some people weren't happy with my "attitude" in guild chat - no names mentioned and I don't really care either. What really PISSED me ROYALY off was the fact the faceless fecks didn't have the BALLS to say it to my face either in a party or in guild chat or even as a whisper. So Im all guildless again, just gave all my gems that I had to my mate (the GM who kicked me) Im gonna have to keep playing as well it's still fun (only just).
Oh and well hmm I won't be joining any guild for well lets see till thursday afternoon at the earlist (around about 4 days) which is the same cool down as making Mooncloth as a tailor..

Amandil, Blood Elf Priest Lvl 41 - Boulderfist

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