Monday, April 14, 2008


So what's happening at Chez Gopher, well let me tell ya my sisters are taking over or it just seems that way...
My Aunt's been up for 2 weeks so bliss the minimalistic amount of cooking not that it actually bothers me, scrolls back to see what he wrote last time...........
I know it wasn't that long ago but it just seems it and the last post was kind of "out there random off the wall I'm pissed and blowing off steam" type of post.
Now things appear to be semiantly stabalist, hey the might not be spelled correctly or even exist but hey that's just a minor point and I'm allow them.
Now works be flipped, turned upside down or it just seems that way..
Well let's just say there is a new rota being put in place due to someone not doing as asked and getting what was coming to them, now where that left me I wasn't sure but I am at least sure now.. Dayshift mainly, 9-5 weekdays not the 8-4 could argue same-o-same but it's NOT. I answer the phones, take messages, transfer when needed, collect the mail and dump it into a tray to be collected I don't even need to open it :D, do the admin work, handle the deliveries and returns (it will be done right from now).. Typing up / modifying of work.
Meanwhile back at the ranch......
There are plans afoot to redecorate pretty much the WHOLE house, my room is mine so "Hands the hell off", the rest you can do with as ya like, it's a pity all the woodwork has a dark stain on it, I think it would look nice lighter but no painted it shall be, it does make sense just seems a LOT of money is being spent very quickly but I'm staying the HELL out I like life and I wanna keep breathing.

On a lighter note mum and I went out shopping yesterday well she was bored and wanted to go someplace and the shopping needed done afterwards we went to a local garden centre for lunch. It ended up an expensive weekend why because apart for shopping and lunch, my beloved car was due it's Annual service I threw some money at it and it's not done yet as still waiting on a price for a part.

Can I just say go visit Laura say hi, oh and wander over to Barb's and sit a spell..

1 comment:

Barb Black said...

Sure! Come on over!!

Mi casa... and all that rot!