Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday Blues..

It's been one of those days at work.
I came in to 1 more dead camera, thankfully that was an easy fix, phone the site have them reset the trip switch, after that it starts to go wrong but thankfully not just for me.
Colleague gets stuck in traffic on the way to fix / investigate faults with a few of the cameras we have. IT Manager wonders why noone phoned him to say oh btw the tempreture in the server room is a bit warm (a bit warm being 25C), well someone didn't bother telling me Formally that we'd to start to monitor it, it was kinda oh were testing it (nothing more was said after that). Speaking of Camera a site manager wondered why no-one at the company had replied to his e-mail about something that had happened, I did by phone and I said so in the reply e-mail which I made sure was CC'd to one of the Company Directors (and BCC'd to the Boss ;) ) He phoned me up and told me that well basically I was talking CRAP and really shouldn't be doing that especially if I was CC'ing it to a director who was also looking into it. Well to the Best of My Knowledge I did phone him on that day after checking the digital recording and saw nothing. well its not so bad, before I left work 2 more Pan / Tilt units were required along with a telemetry drive board for one site, nice length of new coax for another site (since erm they'd joined it adhoc stylee) and my colleague was at a 3rd site investigating / fixing, unfortunatly he's got the bosses Jag Keys in his pocket, well he is the bosses son so it's allowed ;)
The poor accounts manager tried to kill me as well, her laptop spat the dummy today while she was in mid check of something, machine ended up getting rebooted and well no back up had been made today and well thank god Sage is good software and has recovery tools built in, 6hrs work could have been lost, not a lot you think but hmm enough. I left the boss and the accounts manager to fix it once I seen that well it was okay since nothing I could do would help. She came through and said it was all gone all the data for today.. Then smirked as I went into panic mode! (not funny at all).
Oh and Dear BWTP people Im considering leaving since well I've nothing to post there that would interest and well very few of you come here and leave a comment, also I don't always read everyone's blogs I sometimes only read a few daily, some weekly, some less so and chewy's well erm blue moon time..
Sigh, roll on tuesday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yep, just another day at the hell others call a job. Other than all that, are you OK?