Friday, March 03, 2006

Nephew's Birthday

Well Happy Birthday to my Dearest Nephew Connor who is 8 today, that's right 8 somehow he has survived this long..
I've no photos as yet but I may post 1 at a later date.
Well let's see Im his favourite Uncle again, after giving him £20 in his card and setting up his steering wheel & pedals for his Playstation 2 - it's a "racing pack" so it's got a seat that's attached as well so it all clips together and I just HAD to set it up (I got no option in this FYI) he's doing not bad, when I'd left he had only done like 3-4 shortish races with it and he was gaining places..
20,9,8,2 - I'd say he was getting the hang of it no bother, he just needs to remember that it's a steering wheel if he ever needs to set it up again for that game (which I don't think he does ;)). Oh and because he's Connor he didn't just have 1 cake he had 2 - a chocolate cake with loads of chocolate icing on it which is very tasty and a "football" cake a nice light sponge with a icing like the outside of a football on it.
I don't know what our other sister is up to, she dropped the card off this morning at like 7am (must have been before her work) and well not been seen since :( - done this before, but hey he's cool with that he just got an extra hug or 2 because I know a few of you out there would want me giving him a hug from them so to speak ;) so it done :)..
Oh it's my dear old dad's birthday tomorrow - I won't post about it, as well it's just dear old dad and not really that exciting ;) - I know Im cruel and harsh but that's life sometimes..


Heather said...

Happy Birthday to Connor! :-D

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to Connor and Dad. Just because you get old doesn't mean that you can't celebrate birthdays. Just try not to let the candles become a fire hazard!!

Hug Dad's neck and tell his it was Special Delivery from a Southern Belle in Alabama. 8-}