Saturday, April 08, 2006

Let's all have a big old game of blogger tag.

Okay, I've had a mad idea that will make sure that well other blogs are visited, our own is possibly more visited..
Okay the rules, now there are simple:
You can tag whoever you like as long as
1) They are not the person who tagged you or
2) The person who tagged them (i.e. the person who tagged the person who tagged you)
I tag - Millie Helen who tags Heather, now Heather can't tag me or Millie Helen but can tag anyone else she likes.
got me now I'll start I've not decided who Im going to tag yet, oh the tag can either be on the Message Board or via blogger comments (i.e. something that the blog writer will pick up on)
Also could you link back to this post and leave a comment on who you've tagged (URL if possible) so that I can see how far this is going, It's kinda like the snowball thing but only funnier (possibly!?)
Okay I've decided by Random Choice that Miss Zooty is the first person to be tagged. Go visit ;)

** Edit 10th April **
Additional Rule: Can the Tagee (the person who's just been tagged) please post I've just been Blog-Tagged By to let the person know you've seen that you've been Tagged - Thanks.


Melonie said...

Okay, I was going to make some joke about Lesbian Sex Now and AOL censored me and threw me offline. I guess that means I should just say hi and move along!

Gordon said...
