Friday, May 18, 2007

World Record Attempt - Failed

I should really have written about this on MONDAY but I totally forgot...
Now your wondering what world record could I possibly be doing - well none.
It's a radio presenter who's doing the record and he just so happens to work for my Local Radio Station: Kingdom FM.
He was trying to beat the current world record of 125hrs set by an Italian radio DJ but his voice finally gave out it was flagging toward the end. He did last 108 hours though and raised a load of cash for the radio's charity "Kingdom Kids". I just rechecked the site as found out this, I had to reboot my PC to install something and forgot to switch the stream back on, just checked it as I was writing this and heard music thought okay then heard someone else I was like "Damn!".
Never mind Mickey is okay but just can't talk he did want to go on but was told "no!".
Well Done Man :)

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