Monday, January 14, 2008

Wading through the BS!

Okay, meant to post this yesterday but well forgot and well it's incredible really...
Okay mum did get shouted but only because she shouted at my sister 1st saying my dad was hungry, reply why not making him a sandwich - thing is my dad eats something and that's it for like 3-4-5 hrs, what they meant was like a cup of tea and maybe a biscuit but hey I wasn't there so as far as I'm concerned it could be BS!
They have applogised to dad in around about way or so they say. The op mum had will cause mood swings apparently but that's not being taking into consideration at all, also one sister has got the whole 9 yards of sobbing to a fine art you know the kind the "but,but,but" blubbering that a kid would do that style and going I'm worried what if this and if that and what if something else a lot of fucking what if's and I now have a "list" of things to do like I don't have enough to funking do - cooking dinner, putting dishwasher on, wiping stuff down, putting the washing on, doing the ironing, zoning out totally!
It includes stuff that I'm like WHY the fuck am I do I have to do that, I mean they come down they could surely do that take them no time as they are used to it..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

More family drama. My heart goes out to your Mom and Dad. Sounds like your sisters need to grow up. Do you ever wonder if they think what will happen to them when they reach your parent's age?