Thursday, March 24, 2005

I'm Back

Hmm I lost my net connection on Saturday and this is the first time I've been able to connect to post (okay this is really saturday but I did get it back Thursday)
So my week so far has been interesting..
Nothing of note happened on Friday..
Saturday My Aunt arrived to stay for a week or so.. We went use the phone but alas there was "nothing" there, no dial tone nothing, so we endured a week with no phone / me with no net as the net and phone share the same cable..
It's not offically working as in BT my phone provider hasn't said the fault is fixed..
Work this week was interesting to say the least, I'm in the middle of a stock check as I'm getting a "sideways" promotion out into a new role of stores / tech support / etc... the etc is quite a bit I'm sure I'll be able to rise to the challange *zzzzzzz* sorry did I fall asleep hmm probably cos I'm tired from rising to the challange it's more work :(...
Oh well It will take me a few days to catch up on everything I've missed I'm sure..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my, do i know how frustrating it is to be without a phone/net connection. glad you're back online!
