Monday, April 25, 2005

Monday, Monday....

Well hmm now lets see what can I say about today but ARGH!!!! Hmm I need to persude the boss that we need shelves for a load of stuff mainly alarm boxes as they are sitting literally all over the place there is like about 200 of them all on the floor of the lab area which is now my workarea / storage + I'm trying to clear a space to put stuff 2 19" rack mount cabinets in.. It's big enough but there is one corner that is full of stuff that I can't move... It just looks a mess... I just not long had it tidy but because I've got cables everywhere (see early entries in my DD) which i am in the process of transfering from the beginning (it seems the sensible way) - copy and pasting it from an exported xml file. Unless of course someone can think of a way I can erm do it quicker, I'll be doing it that way (so expect some randomly added entries over the next few days / weeks)


Sharon said...

I am also having that kind of a day...

Moogie said... that doesn't sound like fun.