Monday, January 29, 2007

Logic defying Bowling

Okay this one has me scratching my head.
I was looking after the nephew again on Saturday and we went bowling again as well it's a little wind and still a little cold to play football outside that and the fact he's really good at something, Im sure those with little "devils angels" know what I mean...
Okay 3 games for the both of us last Saturday: £ 14.40 not bad really now this is what confused me.
3 games 2 weeks ago, approx same time £ 17.80 or something like that can't find the reciept right now but it will be somewhere - now thing was Im sure I was charged more for my nephews games than I was mine anyone care to explain?

Oh will post on Blog Fodder Topic later in the week.

Oh and as a postscript to the last post - Im not really a "Tom Cruise" fan nor a fan of what is the call it "Scientology" nor a fan of "Kabbalah" both IMHO are a load of phooey, i mean sure you pay a little at church to keep the place going and pay for the minister but hmm that would be like asking you or add to put $1,000 in the collection plate instead of a $1 if you see what I mean.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Film Review: War of The Worlds

Okay good leading actor in Tom Cruise, good leading actress in Dakota Fanning as his daughter actually her lines were delivered way better ;).
Now I know that some american are classed as "dumb" but classing everyone in the world as dumb enough not realise that hmm oh let's just pave over that, there ain't nothing there or what ever is 100% too far fetched to start with, the lightning - way over kill. Mind you what did I expect it's a "hollywood remake of a classic" which has totally ruined the film, a remake that just about make it is "The Italian Job" it's at least got some class and credability to it.
Back to the current - Im sorry in the original they didn't suck us dry and spread weird vines all over the place. they didn't "walk" about they floated around and it was a heat ray not a "vapourising humans to dust" ray. Oh and another thing when the "tom" was busy hacking the eye to bits he could have at least cut it off like in the original! God damn hollywood can't even get that right.
So all in all a 100% over the top piece of cruddy remake, only thing that made it shine slightly was Dakota, she is one talentled lil lady.
I think were done here.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Blog Fodder - "How does one handle work, home and family (or a combination thereof) without having a nervous breakdown?"

Hmm this topic brought to us by my delightful and camera shy friend Melonie, oh Laura you can tell her I said that :P.

"How does one handle work, home and family (or a combination thereof) without having a nervous breakdown?"
Im probably the least qualified to answer this as well family - nephew, sisters, parents, "home" hmm let's not go there, work .
How do I handle all this without going into meltdown, truth is I don't sometimes I just go "off on one" - let rip, blow of some steam.
My life consists of the following: Monday - Friday: Up at 6:30, out the door at 7, get to work around 7:45, work till around 4, sometimes longer if required, get home around 4:30-5 or later depending on what I've got to do after work.
Saturday / Sunday - I just wanna do nothing, truth be told I just Can't Be Arsed(CBA) doing anything after work / at the weekends.
Nephew some how drag some life and energy out of me when he sees me.
Im going to lay out this logic to show you what I do and I will explain it a little.
If (!at work && !seeing nephew && !out someplace) then location=at pc.
so there we have it, I have no life, only work, my nephew and the occational escape, you can normally of an evening find me sitting at my pc doing something.
I don't do the "social" thing unless I have to, I like to breathe, Moogie, anyone any tips on how to stop someone who's been smoking for > 50 yrs. Let's just say Me on a bad day x 3 and that's my dear father on a good day!
Nervous Breakdown, I doubt I'd know one if it hit me in the face to be honest.
I just get on with it as I've been doing for long enough.
Like I said I do blow off steam sometimes. I did this in what can only describe as a spectacular manner on saturday.
Now as many people know I play "world of warcraft" aka "WoW" now there is an expansion out for it, that went live last tuesday at midnight, 2 new races, a whole new area to go to, new quests, you can now get to lvl 70 instead of 60, etc.
Now I don't have this expansion - don't see the point, current char is a lvl 40 odd rogue. I however was seeing "new race" players with levels higher than me, so to cut a long story short, I basically went and said "there are people who are higher level than me, it only went live on tuesday they are 'NO LIFERS'" and then went on a rant as someone else just ticked me off. For my wonderous effort I got "booted" out the guild by my now former friend, who I've played various different computer games with for a good few years, and to top it all those who had the expansion were getting all the help they needed, I asked and never really got a response! Oh and my former friend and the my Former Guild master now has me on ignore. I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO FINISH what I was saying!!!! So Im having a night off tonight, although my new guildmates might wonder where i am.
Im off to watch the crap Hollywood remake of "War of The Worlds" + some other stuff

Friday, January 19, 2007

Blog Fodder - "Which is more important, intelligence or common sense?"

Hmm Blog Fodder Topic number 7 - quite an interesting one this.
So which is more important, intelligence or common sense?
Im am going to sit on the fence on this one and say you need a mixture of both, some situations call for common sense others for a fair whack of the old bit High IQ.
My mother does say I do lack in common sense but I'd totally disagree with her and say no more on this one..
Im trying to give a good example of a possible situation where common sense would be used over intelligence and vice versa but for the life of me I can't think of one.
I tend to go for the "IQ" solution thus appear to not show much common sense, thus we get this wonderful phrase "if your brains were dynamite you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose...." and also "if you had a brain you'd be dangerous" but I think those phrases are a possible discussion for another day / for someone else to debate (HINT to someone else!).
hmm just thought of a probably example for use of common sense...
"delightful child" : Mom the TV don't work.........
"Mom" : Have you tried pressing the buttons on the front of it?
"child" : Erm no but how would that make a difference it's not working...
"Mom" : try them you might get a surprise..
"child" (after pressing the right button) : Wow, it works but that means Im gonna have to walk to the TV to change channel now (WHINE MODE on!)
"mom" : well it's what I thought, give me the remote and I'll change the batteries in it.
"child" : OH! it needs batteries to work (after having removed them for something else)...
Hmm trying now to think of a IQ example but brain now refusing to work.
I've always been good a working logic out so i probably couldn't give you a good IQ answer as it would be me working it out logically ^ see above it's kinda logically laid out.
IQ answer would probably be those "diagnostical" diagrams you see for somethings,
you know the ones that have a box marked "START HERE" and wind you through various options to establish the fault - now you know how I work things out, but that's off topic so I think I'll leave it there..

MY Answer: I'd say a bit of both is required and each is as important as the other.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Darn Crawler Bots

Hmm the darn well web-bots have been crawling all over the place trouble is they are still indexing something that is well about a year out of date the pictures from LAST Winter I took, put on my webserver and linked them out - I moved them to flikr and deleted them now hopefully within a week they'll no longer be index NOR will this place..

Sunday, January 14, 2007

How well do people really know me..

This is a shameless re-write of a post by Heather.
I've been thinking about this one, how well do people really know me and this includes my family. I think there are very few people out there who really know me, most of them are in the UK, with a small number of people scattered around the globe that know me in varying degrees. I mean if I think about it I know people or Im related to to people from all corners of the globe. Now to the crux of this post or rather the question.
The question is: "How would YOU finish this sentence: If you really knew me, you would know…."
Now I'm not exactly sure how anyone would answer this as I'm terribly slack with the e-mail I do get around to sending e-mails out, and replying to ones sent to me some get answered quicker than others but it's not by virtue of who sent it, it's often what the e-mail is about. Feel free to puruse the archieves if you wish, to perhaps get an better insight to me. Leave a comment if you wish I suppose it's just me asking you to tell me what you think of me, I'm not being vain or anything like that. Oh and you don't need to "fudge" the answer in order to spare my feelings, I can take it...
Filed Under: Personal, Honesty

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Recommendation Perhaps...

It's 2 in the morning and posting on here, oh boy...
If you can find this on the radio or download I dare you to listen to "Mika - Grace Kelly" and tell me it's not one of those songs that sounds like it should annoy you like heck but you can't get out of your head because it's SO, SO darn well UP Beat...

Friday, January 12, 2007

At Last!

At last I've got it to work, what work I hear you ask...
Well the thing that's been bugging me for while ever since I put the themes script in, I could get it to work locally but the second I put it on the web it fell over and flat refused to work with Firefox so I put a work around till I got around to fixing it, it worked perfectly well in IE (the EVIL web browser from MS), which in it's IE 6 carnation suffered 284 days worth of buggage with 93 days worth of no fixs for them, where as Firefox suffered only 9 such days, even 9 is a lot of time, The Story From El Reg!.
Now that aside what I got working you may not even notice if your just running the default "The Blues" theme, there are others I now just need to maybe tweak the color schemes a little to get them to look nicer...
Oh and I've thought of an idea well a play on an existing idea, it goes a bit like....
"Hi There, Gopher sent me but blame michelle..." you can see what Im getting at that's right it's a total rip off from Michelle's Infamous Blog, see the link on the left hand side to go there...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Blog Fodder - "What is your most memorable meal? Why?"

Welcome to blog topic number 6 and the topic this time is "What is your most memorable meal? Why?"
Hmm this is a tricky one for some unknown reason it's not that there are that actually "memorable" meals, it's the simple fact that right now I can not think of a single meal I've had in recent or distant history that I'd class as memorable, honestly..
I mean it's not like I get invited to dinner parties a lot, I don't never been invited to one yet, I don't have girlfriend at the moment so that that line out the window, and by the time I get home from work I rarely feel like cooking, actually come to think of it I rarely feel like cooking period, I only do it when I have to, I suppose like many things in life, well actually I don't have a life, I have "work", i have "sleep", I "game" to relax a little, I do go see the odd film now and then, I do have a large DVD collection and I do have a nephew to dote on.. That is all I have, so you can see that "memorable" is kind of a mute point here. That is all.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Blog Fodder - "Tell us something about someone...."

I know this is Blog Fodder #5 but I've been kinda busy with work and other stuff and totally forgot to like post for parts of the week and I did kinda promise that I might post..
So here goes
" Tell us something about your in-laws (funny, memories, etc.). If you don’t have any in-laws, pick a relative like siblings, parents, etc."

Im going to talk about as always my nephew, now i know he can be a total pain in the BUTT sometimes, I do mean that btw. I mean christmas day was a day his parents got off from having him say come play every 5 minutes... I had to go play his mew playstation games with him and stuff it was all fun but I needed 5 minutes to like BREATHE!
it was fun though.
Gosh it does seem like yesterday that I was holding the small bundle of joy that was realativly quiet to the bundle of joy that still loves his hugs and stuff.
He does love his football as well, doesn't mind being in goal but when he lets 1 or 2 in has been known to spectacularly lose it...
Now when i say lose it, i do mean pretty much full blown temper tantrum which isn't pretty to watch, calming him down is tricky at best as you can imagine but once he's calmed down he's okay and when he's up as striker he like to get the ball and try and score goals which he can do. On the subject of tackling say no more I have had the bruised shins to prove it, he goes in hard but as goes for the ball as much as possible if the player happens to get in the way its too bad, he has been "put off" for it once.. After the match is quiet funny too depending on how it went, he'll whine a little or a lot depends on how it's went, it will go along the lines of "If x had passed to me I could have scored Uncle Gordon and y didn't tackle he just stood their and they scored because of it". It's funny I do try not to a laugh as he takes it SO seriously I can see him being a team captain some day. If I've taken him to football we normally end up at the nearest McDonalds, he likes "chips" ("French" /"Freedom" Fries for you americans) and sometimes chicken nuggets, it's hard getting him to actually decide what he wants so I just say to him to tell them what he wants, they just shake their heads understanding what he wasts, small drink to go as well, oh and Tomato Ketchup - the proper stuff, you know the "Heinz" Tomato Ketchup :D
It normally ends up he has his chips and half of mine, since I polish off the big mac and some chips and that does me..
I know exactly where is temper comes from as well, his mum, my dearest sister as well hmm I used to be that bad... I've calmed down a lot since then...

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year one and all.. Welcome to 2007 wonder what this year will bring.
Well it's back to work for me tomorrow so nothing has really changed yet. Work, Work, Work, Sleep, Eat, Work.... hmm no change...