Hmm Blog Fodder Topic number 7 - quite an interesting one this.
So which is more important, intelligence or common sense?
Im am going to sit on the fence on this one and say you need a mixture of both, some situations call for common sense others for a fair whack of the old bit High IQ.
My mother does say I do lack in common sense but I'd totally disagree with her and say no more on this one..
Im trying to give a good example of a possible situation where common sense would be used over intelligence and vice versa but for the life of me I can't think of one.
I tend to go for the "IQ" solution thus appear to not show much common sense, thus we get this wonderful phrase "if your brains were dynamite you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose...." and also "if you had a brain you'd be dangerous" but I think those phrases are a possible discussion for another day / for someone else to debate (HINT to someone else!).
hmm just thought of a probably example for use of common sense...
"delightful child" : Mom the TV don't work.........
"Mom" : Have you tried pressing the buttons on the front of it?
"child" : Erm no but how would that make a difference it's not working...
"Mom" : try them you might get a surprise..
"child" (after pressing the right button) : Wow, it works but that means Im gonna have to walk to the TV to change channel now (WHINE MODE on!)
"mom" : well it's what I thought, give me the remote and I'll change the batteries in it.
"child" : OH! it needs batteries to work (after having removed them for something else)...
Hmm trying now to think of a IQ example but brain now refusing to work.
I've always been good a working logic out so i probably couldn't give you a good IQ answer as it would be me working it out logically ^ see above it's kinda logically laid out.
IQ answer would probably be those "diagnostical" diagrams you see for somethings,
you know the ones that have a box marked "START HERE" and wind you through various options to establish the fault - now you know how I work things out, but that's off topic so I think I'll leave it there..
MY Answer: I'd say a bit of both is required and each is as important as the other.