Monday, January 08, 2007

Blog Fodder - "Tell us something about someone...."

I know this is Blog Fodder #5 but I've been kinda busy with work and other stuff and totally forgot to like post for parts of the week and I did kinda promise that I might post..
So here goes
" Tell us something about your in-laws (funny, memories, etc.). If you don’t have any in-laws, pick a relative like siblings, parents, etc."

Im going to talk about as always my nephew, now i know he can be a total pain in the BUTT sometimes, I do mean that btw. I mean christmas day was a day his parents got off from having him say come play every 5 minutes... I had to go play his mew playstation games with him and stuff it was all fun but I needed 5 minutes to like BREATHE!
it was fun though.
Gosh it does seem like yesterday that I was holding the small bundle of joy that was realativly quiet to the bundle of joy that still loves his hugs and stuff.
He does love his football as well, doesn't mind being in goal but when he lets 1 or 2 in has been known to spectacularly lose it...
Now when i say lose it, i do mean pretty much full blown temper tantrum which isn't pretty to watch, calming him down is tricky at best as you can imagine but once he's calmed down he's okay and when he's up as striker he like to get the ball and try and score goals which he can do. On the subject of tackling say no more I have had the bruised shins to prove it, he goes in hard but as goes for the ball as much as possible if the player happens to get in the way its too bad, he has been "put off" for it once.. After the match is quiet funny too depending on how it went, he'll whine a little or a lot depends on how it's went, it will go along the lines of "If x had passed to me I could have scored Uncle Gordon and y didn't tackle he just stood their and they scored because of it". It's funny I do try not to a laugh as he takes it SO seriously I can see him being a team captain some day. If I've taken him to football we normally end up at the nearest McDonalds, he likes "chips" ("French" /"Freedom" Fries for you americans) and sometimes chicken nuggets, it's hard getting him to actually decide what he wants so I just say to him to tell them what he wants, they just shake their heads understanding what he wasts, small drink to go as well, oh and Tomato Ketchup - the proper stuff, you know the "Heinz" Tomato Ketchup :D
It normally ends up he has his chips and half of mine, since I polish off the big mac and some chips and that does me..
I know exactly where is temper comes from as well, his mum, my dearest sister as well hmm I used to be that bad... I've calmed down a lot since then...

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