Wednesday, March 05, 2008

A Poem...

Well I say a Poem, it's more a collection of words that are in lines..


I come from the shadows,
And to the shadows I return
Death come swiftly on metallic wings.

I am the taker of life,
Death in an instant or,
Death in what seems like an eternity.

Slow death, quick death,
The choice isn't yours, it is mine,
Mine alone, for I am the assassin.

Poisons to slow you down,
Poisons to kill you faster,
Poisons to cloud your mind.

From the shadows I shall step,
You shall know me, for how briefly,
Only I know that.

For who am I? I am the assassin
Lightning quick, and twice deadly,
You had better pray I am on your side.

I am the assassin,
remember me well,
Death come swiftly from blades of steel.

Yeah I've been playing my Orc Rogue too much again...


Barb Black said...

Big hugs, G-man!!!! Hang in there. Been thinkin' about you.


Laura said...


We're with you, man... we're with you ~