Monday, May 23, 2005

Don't you just hate....

Don't ya just hate when you talk yourself into something. Hmm I've made that mistake a few times you would think I'd have learned by now. Nope, talked myself into helping someone set up a database to consolidate several excel workbooks into one file, now I need to be able to query this database with all the data and I think I had better include a "delete" recovery option so as to be able to recover data that has been accidently changed or somehow enable "user" levels. Oh the joys of Access Databases, which I now need to learn how to set up and manage properly. The Set-up looks easy enough but it's the switchboard, the layout of the data to be displayed etc that will be the fun parts of this but I think I'll get by need to practice a little, I'm sure I'll get it... If you hear a funny noise one day it's okay it'll be my beating by brains out with a wooden spoon..

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Then I am hereby confiscating all your wooden spoons!! :)