Saturday, May 07, 2005

My Nephew and Me...

Well I had fun last night, sister and her boyfriend went out last night for his and another friends birthday so I was looking after my nephew all last night, picked him up from football practice which is on the site of my old high school - well the high school is still there I've not been into the new building they put up yet, I still remember the old one... so got him home, had fun building models with megablock bricks (similar to lego but erm not lego) and watch jetix on Sky - well he likes watching Power Rangers and Robot Wars (which I like watching too) he is 7 (although him reaching next birthday might be a challange - Im sure a lot out there know what I'm on about).
Well let him watch Robot Wars, ran a bath for him, then hmm the darling some how managed to con me into let him stay up till 9:30 by which time it was getting dark so the blinds and everything were shut and he turned off the sky / TV / dvd with surrond sound - which I had to turn back on later... and then I had to read him a story with a voice that was starting to sound like kermit the frog was in there - it was a little croaky.. that took us to 10pm when I told him to sleep! which he did was a fun night, sat up waiting for them to come home which they did around 1am hmm randomly surfing sky channels - 800+ channels and All I could find was a James Bond Film that was on a channel I can get at home (I don't got sky at home - kinda expensive).. then I watched some Family Guy, some really far out South Park episode and then randomly surfed around... got home around 2 and went to bed hmm woke up about erm 11am, got up then though hmm no and went back to sleep for 5 minutes (2 hrs more like) lol... Lazy Saturday


Sharon said...

Hey, Gopher, you sound like you're pretty good at this.
We have lots of Mega Blocks. :)

Moogie said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time. You are a great Uncle!!!

The Complimenting Commenter said...

That's great. It appears you had a great time. Hope it continues. Nice site.