Friday, May 20, 2005

An intresting dilemma

Hmm well that was an intresting week, if not a little on the boring side, I know I just basically said an oxymoron in a kinda way but what the heck.
Now it's one of my sisters silver wedding anniversery this year, on 16th of July, this is gonna prove interesting because we'll have my cousin, her husband, their complete mental english springer spaniel and my aunt staying, now this means it's going to be intresting, it also means I get turfed out my room as it has a nice double bed in it, and by the looks of things I'm gonna be sleeping in the attic beside all my PC's which isn't that bad but my colleague at work's wife is due to give birth on the 17th of July but it could swing a few days either side and obviously he'll want time off for that.. I also worked out that the week leading up to the 16th I'm working 7am to 4pm and the week after it 10am til 7pm, now I can see me not getting much sleep as it is but I may have to work 7am til 7pm if my colleague needs time off... ARGH - it will be wake, work, home, eat, and not much sleep... Oh boy gonna be rough can see me going to work asleep, driving with my eyes shut - oh dear...


Anonymous said...

hey mate, thanks for the link. sounds like some wicked hours you're booked up for. make sure you get yourself some decent rest while you can eh.

Sharon said...

Driving with eyes shut is never a good idea. Take it from me...

Gordon said...

Lol I was being sarcasitic, I wouldn't seriously do that... Hmmm I can see me drinking coffee instead though, hmmm need supply of fresh ground at work - oh boy that could get messy...