Sunday, June 12, 2005

Darn well blogger

Well folks I did attempt to change the template for my blog, got a nice shiny silver background for the top with an edge to it.

I attempted to introduce this to blogger and well it didn't like at all did weird things, darn freaking thing... *beats blogger round head several time*.. The result was I had to the orignal template layout and start again, thank god for backups (well just about).. I've decided I'll leave the sidebar on the right as well otherwise my site breaks in IE :|.. Just looked at it again and its still broken but it now in a weird place { swears some more } One day I will will win blogger, you will see.. maybe I need to go to the darkside? or maybe I'm already on the darkside and need to return to the light!


Sharon said...

It looks OK to me, mind you the background is still light blue..

I know what you mean about the template problems. Believe me..

Heather said...

I had trouble with my stupid template the other day, too. It was so darn frustrating! Yours looks good though